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Image Library > Slime Molds > Hemitrichiaceae >

Heterotrichia versicolor

Heterotrichia versicolor, formerly Arcyria versicolor, is a nivicolous (snowmelt) slime mold found in high elevation forests each spring and summer. Though this species is quite common, its beautiful golden fruiting bodies are always a delight to find.

Heterotrichia versicolor, a nivicolous slime mold.  Tahoe National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Placer County, California, USA.  Stock Photo ID=SLI0057
Heterotrichia versicolor slime mold fruiting bodies. Note that the peridia, or outer casings, have begun to open. Focus-stacked composite of 164 exposures at ~4x lifesize. Tahoe National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Placer County, California, USA.

Heterotrichia versicolor, a nivicolous slime mold.  Tahoe National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Placer County, California, USA.  Stock Photo ID=SLI0058
Heterotrichia versicolor, extreme close-up of a single slime mold fruiting body. The peridium has opened, revealing spores and a chaotic entanglement of capillitial threads. Focus-stacked composite of 140 exposures at 10x lifesize using a microscope objective. Tahoe National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Placer County, California, USA.

Heterotrichia versicolor, a nivicolous slime mold.  Tahoe National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Placer County, California, USA.  Stock Photo ID=SLI0058crop
Crop of the previous photo, showcasing some of the myxo's intricate details.

Heterotrichia versicolor, a nivicolous slime mold.  Eldorado National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Alpine County, California, USA.  Stock Photo ID=SLI0008
Heterotrichia versicolor (the gold fruiting bodies in the front) and a Comatricha species (the black fruiting bodies in the back). It is not uncommon to find multiple slime mold species fruiting together in close proximity. Focus-stacked composite of 44 exposures. Carson Pass, Eldorado National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Alpine County, California, USA.

Heterotrichia versicolor, a nivicolous slime mold.  Eldorado National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Amador County, California, USA.  Stock Photo ID=SLI0002
Heterotrichia versicolor fruiting bodies dangling from a lichen-covered conifer stump. Focus-stacked composite of 21 exposures. Carson Pass, Eldorado National Forest, Sierra Nevada, Alpine County, California, USA.

Next slime mold: White carnival candy slime mold (Arcyria cinerea)

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