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Plant Galls Image Library

      Gall Favorites - a small selection of my personal favorite galls

Black Oak Galls

      Kernel flower gall wasp (Callirhytis serricornis) [5 pictures]
      Live oak gallfly (Amphibolips quercuspomiformis) [3 pictures]
      Pumpkin gall wasp (Dryocosmus minusculus) [3 pictures]
      Red fold gall aphid (undescribed Aphididae) [1 picture]
      Two-horned gall wasp (Dryocosmus dubiosus) [4 pictures]

Intermediate Oak Galls

      Beaked spindle gall wasp (Heteroecus pacificus) [2 pictures]
      Mushroom gall wasp (Heteroecus sanctaeclarae) [1 picture]
      Golden oak apple gall wasp (Andricus vaccinifoliae) [5 pictures]
      Woolly gall wasp (Heteroecus dasydactyli) [2 pictures]

White Oak Galls

      Ball-tipped gall wasp (Xanthoteras teres) [3 pictures]
      Beaked twig gall wasp (Burnettweldia plumbella) [5 pictures]
      California gall wasp (Andricus quercuscalifornicus) [2 pictures]
      California jumping gall wasp (Neuroterus saltatorius) [2 pictures]
      Clasping twig gall wasp (Disholcaspis prehensa) [5 pictures]
      Clustered gall wasp (Andricus brunneus) [1 picture]
      Convoluted gall wasp (Andricus confertus) [3 pictures]
      Coral gall wasp (Burnettweldia corallina) [2 pictures]
      Crystalline gall wasp (Feron crystallinum) [4 pictures]
      Disc gall wasp (Feron parmula) [9 pictures]
      Fimbriate gall wasp (Andricus opertus) [4 pictures]
      Flange gall wasp (undescribed Cynipidae) [2 pictures]
      Fuzzy gall wasp (Disholcaspis washingtonensis) [4 pictures]
      Leaf gall wasp (undescribed Cynipidae) [3 pictures]
      Pink bow tie gall wasp (Feron izabellae) [4 pictures]
      Plate gall wasp (Feron pattersonae) [4 pictures]
      Red cone gall wasp (Feron kingi) [6 pictures]
      Saucer gall wasp (Feron gigas) [4 pictures]
      Spined turban gall wasp (Cynips douglasii) [5 pictures]
      Striped volcano gall wasp (Feron atrimentum) [13 pictures]
      Sunburst gall wasp (Feron stellare) [4 pictures]
      Urchin gall wasp (Cynips quercusechinus) [2 pictures]
      Urn gall wasp (Phylloteras cupella) [1 picture]
      Woollybear gall wasp (Atrusca trimaculosa) [2 pictures]

Manzanita Galls

      Manzanita leaf gall aphid (Tamalia coweni) [2 pictures]

Rose Galls

      Spiny leaf gall wasp (Diplolepis polita) [2 pictures]

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All images copyright Timothy Boomer. All rights reserved worldwide.